
I’m William K4SEA. Welcome to you! I purchased this domain name in order to one day provide a free HAM centric email address and QSL cards for amateur radio users. I’m not quite there yet.

Until then, Let me introduce my self. I’m a new ham as of November 2020. So, I’m new to ham but not new to radio in general. My name is William and I grew up during the CB radio boom. I participated greatly in that craze. My first radio was a Robyn GT-7C. The radio was a 23 channel AM only mobile radio that I used as a base station radio. I added a Astatic D-104 power mic and loved talking locally to old friends and to new friends found on the radio.

Later I added a mobile GE 40 Channel radio in my car with a turner power mic.

Not satisfied with that, I purchased 2 Palomar amplifiers. 75 watts for the car and 300 watts for the house. It was then I found “Skip.” Skip is allowed by certain atmospheric conditions and makes talking GREAT distances possible. I found what I loved. As I recall, I spoke to many of the US states, much of Europe and the Caribbean. Once I even spoke to someone in Australia.

From there I spent sometime on commercial radio on WAYX, WLTE and WBSG radio stations. For that, I needed a Radio Telephone License but I don’t recall why I had to get it. Did I mention that I also held a CB radio License back when you were required to have one.

In the 1990s and early 2000s I got back into CB on sideband with a Superstar radio that had AM, FM, upper and lower sideband. through a 102″ stainless steel whip antenna. this was on a truck that I purchased. When I sold that vehicle, I placed my radio equipment in storage where it was stolen.

So I start from zero again. Here we are in 2020 (2021 as I write this) and I decided to go for CB radio again and HAM radio this time. I went to the pawn shop and purchased a Cobra 29 LX with a Wilson magnetic mount antenna for CB and a Baofeng UV-5R HT and a mobile dual band QYT KT-8900D for Ham radio.

As of now, I’m stuck on VHF and UHF which is all local (line of sight) radio. Shortly I’ll be going for my General Class license so I can get back to my passion for talking around the world again.

Find me at https://www.qrz.com/db/K4SEA


William K4SEA